A new wave of Covid-19 is on its way, and it has already begun to emerge in some parts of the United States. Are you prepared to face the entire world?
This time, the culprit has been identified as BA.2, a subvariant of the highly infectious Omicron variant. It’s hard to say how much havoc BA.2 will cause, but the virus has already caused a surge in cases in Europe and is now the most frequent coronavirus in the US and throughout the world. Free Covid-19 testing centers are also working to get the stats and ware peoples.
According to experts, the number of cases in the United States has increased, as has the number of virus particles gathered from around 150 wastewater surveillance stations. Because people can shed the coronavirus even if they don’t show symptoms, pieces of the virus collected in wastewater can serve as an early warning several days before official case counts begin to rise, according to Bronwyn MacInnis, who directs pathogen genomic surveillance at the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The BA.2 subvariant, which was found by Dr. MacInnis’ research group two weeks ago, has shown a considerable increase in levels in the Northeast.
“I don’t feel we’re looking at a dramatic lockdown scenario in this region of the world” when it comes to BA.2, Dr. MacInnis added. “However, we can’t rule out the chance that this pathogen throws us another curveball later.”
Because so many people were infected by the original Omicron wave this winter, health officials in the United States are optimistic that BA.2 will not cause another major outbreak, in part because they are likely to have some natural or vaccine immunity that will protect them from severe illness and hospitalization.
However, a variety of factors might lead the BA.2 wave to turn into a more catastrophic surge. Dr. Eric Topol, a molecular medicine professor at Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, voiced concern that only approximately 70% of Americans over 65 had had their first booster shot, leaving a large group vulnerable. Many folks who got their booster injections in the autumn may be seeing a drop in their immune protection. It is important to note that BA.2 may readily circumvent the immune systems of persons who have not been vaccinated and are relying on natural immunity gained from an earlier infection by a different variation.
Another concern is if pandemic fatigue may prevent some people from taking modest precautions, like wearing masks and distancing themselves socially, when Covid numbers start to rise in their area.
“We know how to regulate it,” said Doctor Robert Wachter, a professor and the chairman of the medical department at the University of California, San Francisco. ” The big caveat, though, will be that many segments of the country will not revert to a cautious stance. “To believe that we will be able to retain our current level of prosperity is wishful thinking.”
Despite the fact that the infection is unexpected, there are simple ways to safeguard yourself. Your efforts now may help to limit your risk of exposure, minimize the disruption to your family and friends’ lives, and guarantee that you have access to treatment if you or someone close to you becomes very ill.
Here are some things you can do to prepare.
Take steps now, rather than waiting for public health officials to issue warnings. Keep an eye on the Covid-19 statistics for your county or region. A simple way to accomplish this is to look at the color-coded map published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which shows community levels of Covid-19 across the country. Currently, the map is mostly a welcoming green, indicating that community transmission is occurring at extremely low rates. In the United States, however, a growing number of yellow spots, which indicate a medium danger in Texas, the Northeast, and other regions, and orange-colored hot spots, which signal high rates of community spread in Montana, the Dakotas, and other states, are developing.
When the color of the map in your region changes from green to yellow to orange, it’s time to take extra precautions, such as wearing masks in public places and contemplating large inside gatherings where you don’t know everyone’s vaccination status.
If you want to obtain even more early notice of Covid trends, bookmark the C.D.C.’s wastewater data tracker map.
The percentage of positive tests in your town is another useful indicator. When positive test rates rise beyond 5%, experts advise taking extra precautions. The Johns Hopkins coronavirus information center shows daily trends in coronavirus testing as well as state-by-state testing patterns across the United States.
Make high-quality face masks in advance.
Check your mask supply, even if you aren’t presently using one, to make sure you have enough high-quality medical-style masks on hand. While supplies last, pharmacies and community organizations are giving a limited number of free N95 respirator masks. To find a participating distributor near you, enter your ZIP code into the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s mask locator. If you’re interested,
Because many communities have eliminated mask restrictions, the decision to wear a mask and how often to wear it will most likely be left to the individual.
“It’s time to put on the mask when the case numbers start to grow again,” said Linsey Marr, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech and one of the world’s best specialists on viral transmission.
Many people are afraid of wearing masks, but Dr. Marr said that it is only a little inconvenience and a proven method of lowering risk. “I’m not a fan of scare tactics,” she says, “but there’s still so much we don’t know about long-term Covid that I don’t want to have it, and I don’t want anyone else to receive it either.”
And the more people who adopt masks as incidents rise, the faster the next wave will pass.
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